Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Business ThinkTank No.32- Free goods for good commitments is a source idea of this business Think Tank.

The shop gives chocolates to customers as freemiums, no any money paid!

What customers have to do is to put their promises to Facebook and try to succeed it!

Nice, generous, it really works.

Business ThinkTank No.31- Discounts directly sent to members

Fresh food, or expirable products are posing large lump of losses to our mankind's limited resources. Biodegradable food/beverage should be consumed at maximum in an ideal model. So means impossible? No, not that so. We can approach that goal by connecting stores and consumers each other and pursue the following business idea.

When foods or any products come close to expiration, stores will distribute information of those products together with discount alluring to customers. Members have got the message via the designated channels like iPhone app, or email and get enticed by super discounting price. They hurry up to the stores and put the nearly-expirational products into their carts. Perfect.

No waste, no loss, just betters and winners.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Business ThinkTank No.30 - Karaoke Loader

When we live in Karaoke chambers, what we do firstly is to select and create song lists. This step shorten our happy time around 15-30 mins. Suppose we have a platform like web services to form up our music series before entering the room, it would be better?