Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to Integrate Sphider Search to the Website.

Sphider is the php-based search engine which allows anyone to modify and manage the searching index and eliminate the logo advertisement like google or yahoo. To set up the Sphider tool is more or less difficult but requires a little patience and time if you follow my instruction below.

I) Suppose your web directory is c:\xampp\htdocs\
II) That means your index.php must be put in this directory.
III) Then download source code here, Sphider. IV) Copy the whole Sphider folder to the directory mentioned earlier. Now you're to add the Sphider power to your webpage

1) Create new php file and name it, say,
mysearch.php and paste it at the same directory as index.php

2) Open file
index.php to edit and paste this following code to where you would like to place search box

<form action="mysearch.php" method="get">
<input name="query" id="query" size="20" value="" type="text">
<input value="Search" type="submit">
<input name="search" value="1" type="hidden">

3) Open file search.php which locates at c:\xampp\htdocs\sphider\

4) Copy the whole code from this file (search.php) to mysearch.php
(locate the code where you would like to show the search result) and we have to alternate some variables in this file as follows.

from $include_dir = "./include";
to $include_dir = "./sphider/include";

From $include_dir = "./include";
$template_dir = "./templates";
$settings_dir = "./settings";
$language_dir = "./languages";

To $include_dir = "./sphider/include";
$template_dir = "./sphider/templates";
$settings_dir = "./sphider/settings";
$language_dir = "./sphider/languages";

5) Open commonfuncs.php file which stays at c:\xampp\htdocs\sphider\include and add some texts to array $include as below.

$includes = array('./include', 'include', '../include');
$includes = array('./include', 'include', '../include','sphider/include', './sphider/include', '../sphider/include');

6) Open file search_results.html which is C:\xampp\htdocs\sphider\templates\standard and adjust the php action at line8 as below.



7) At the same directory (C:\xampp\htdocs\sphider\templates\standard), open search_form.html file and edit the line 6 as follows.

<form action="search.php" method="get">
<form action="mysearch.php" method="get">

8) Almost done, let's create the database for it. So, go to ,in this case, PhpMyAdmin and create sql database ,say, "spider" (please refer to sql document of how to create a database)

9) Use exit to exit MySQL and in C:\xampp\htdocs\sphider\settings, edit database.php file and change $database, $mysql_user, $mysql_password and $mysql_host to correct values (if you don't know what $mysql_host should be, it should probably stay as it is - 'localhost').

10. Open install.php script (admin directory) in your browser(i.e. http://localhost/sphider/admin/install.php), which will create the tables necessary for Sphider to operate.

11. Open admin/admin.php in browser and start indexing. (i.e. http://localhost/sphider/admin/admin.php) Remark: Default username/password is admin/admin

12) Click add site and fill in the required information in correspondence with your web parameters. And click add button when complete it.

13) Click Options to start indexing

14) Click side menu at "Index"

15) Change the depth of indexing and accept the setting by pressing "Start indexing" button

16) At column "Last indexed" will be stamped the date. It implies that configuration is complete.

17) Now you're ready to use the Sphider Power! Start the index.php and test the function.

Remark: I also upload all changed files in Sphider folder and the finished index.php and mysearch.php that you can compare the configuration in between.

Life in Lille-Part6

My leisure time in Lille was spent on wandering around Lille zoo and Citadel several many times. These two places are situated next to each other in the same big park, and near my residence as well . I like to go there because brother Monkeys always made me laugh on his funny behavior. People surrounded their home and taking the ridiculous pictures as a souvenir from this zoo. Also, we can see peacocks at close range. Moreover, if in the weather transition to autumn, we will be majestically enticed by the elegant peacock tail. So very awesome.

Further, there is a tropical hut where we can meet the ancestor-aged turtle and rare animals and at outside the open zoo offers us free-show of cute animals i.e. parrots, snow-owl, ducks, red-panda, etc. Leave off the zoo, we can borrow a electric bike to take a tour around the city or have more challenge by playing the one-seg (one-wheel bicycle) which I haven't ridden yet.

Miss it, my heaven.

Business ThinkTank No.6, Kanji Air Reader

As I stay in Japan, coping with the dizzy unknown Kanji everyday. I have one adds-on installed over FireFox browser, called Rikaichan. This useful plugin will help me read and translate the unfamiliar Kanji by moving a mouse pointer to the Kanji target.

If I could combine this idea with mobile gadget, how wonderful it is? I just open my camera mode in the cell phone and glare at the Kanji object. On the mobile's screen, the Hiragana and translation display in front of my eyesight. If succeed, it can extend to other languages. But sophisticated technology is a must like Image Processing, and avalanche of dictionary database.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Business ThinkTank No.5, Flash Math School

Due to web-based knowledge plus engineering insights which have been longstandingly acculated, I would like to run a school of Mathemetic Flash as well as Google solution for business purpose. In this way, the latter could attach as a additional service for website builder. But the former needs high speciaty both programming and math love. Hope it'll be true somedays.

Web Toolbox

To constitute a new website, we may depend on lots of existing web technology. I will try to depict them employed in real practice.

1.Google custom search :Add google search box in the website.
2.Google business solution :The google application plaza for supporting business purpose
3.jQuery Write less (codes) Do more (productivity): Exploit the ready-to-use coded package and deploy to targeting sites
4. Elastic :(CSS framework builder): making webpage layout easy
5. Dreamweaver: The perfect web creater
6. SiteMapGenerator: Prepare sitemap for submiting to Google
7. Firefox plugin: includes Firebug, measureIt, ColorZilla, ScreenGrab

Any further suggestion will be welcomed to.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Most installed extension for Joomla

Even though Joomla has to race against Drupal and Wordpress furiously, its strength is vast extension community.

As a fan of Joomla, I would like to put forth the great assistant extension which is a must/deserve to possess by visiting this url provided, Definitely, all are free.

1. Joomfish: multilanguage site
2. VirtueMart: E-commerce site
3. RsForm : Form builder
4. PhpModule: Php containing page
5. JooMap: SiteMap creator
6. PagePeelBanner: The awesome gadget advertiser
7. GTranslate: Google-based translator

There are further useful modules in this website. Search more there to match your demand.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Life in Lille Part 5

Regarding train-ticket buying, we have two major options: buy from the counter in person or from the Internet.

The former has no choice of receiving a ticket. When complete buying process, right away obtain a ticket from a officer. The latter provides you several selection to get a ticket reserved and paid.

Firstly, we can demand SNCF to deliver a ticket by mail. This choice may take time depanding on destination. Secondly, print a ticket by ourselves. Very convenient and sure, this approach responses an order and complete a procedure at one-stop service(at our computer's screen). In this way, the company can reduce ticket issue cost. At the same time, it can increase customer satisfaction due to being able to have a ticket immediately. Nevertheless, high-end technology of monitoring counterfeit tickets may require.

Lastly, Le retrait en gare, receive a ticket at train station. Must inform a reservation ID and identity, afterwards offered a ticket by a officer or ticket vending machine, the yellow one (can choose languages). The latter needs to insert a credit card used for paying a ticket.

With alternative choices proposed in acquiring tickets, we have very freedom to travel with SNCF indeed!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Business ThinkTank No.4, Object Lost Reminder

When we go abroad, due to stunning with the unfamiliar environment we may forget our luggages or any belongings. To have a device which help us scan the precious items may ensure that the trip would go without anxiety.

This apparatus will receive the RFID signal attached to designated things and show the result on the screen. Alternately, I may mix up the SIM card technology and wireless network for domestic locations and RFID and mobile applications for overseas.

With this solution, we just click on one button -check up belongings- as a result, we can see which items are in our reach or missing.