Monday, August 6, 2012

Frint in Japanese

When I experienced the Japan internship, I wrote the Japanese blog at Here I expressed and shared my what's-going-on matters to AIESEC members and those who were interested in.

Throughout the blog, you could see my vision upon Japanese society and notions of comparison between my original stereotype and the contrast. I pointed out difference and similarity I faced on culture, norms, language, and attitude.

I've got Japanese name from AIESEC help and feel warmer because of inner heart touching family-like care. Finally I decide to stay in my own country, even if I love this fresh-air and blue-sky country. Because I was ingrained the patriot soul someday I can do gratitude to my country.

Well, find me more via the blog as mentioned above,

And call me Furinto, if you see me in Japan.


Ja mata ne.

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