If you're in the trouble of setting up SMTP function in Joomla 1.5.x, please follow the steps as follows.
1. To make sure that we have the same configuration, please download file from the following link provided: phpmailer setup.
2. Unzip and replace the old phpmailer folder which locates at: your_joomla_installation_directory/libraries/ with the new extract one.
3. Log in to joomla administration and select Site> Global configuration > Server
4. Look at a mail setting panel and modify the parameters as the information below,
mail server: SMTP server
Adress: name@gmail.com
Name: name
SMTP identification: Yes
SMTP security: none
Port: 25
User: name@gmail.com
Passwd: passwd
Smtp host: ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465
Be cautious, the setting below is mulfunctional somehow with VirtueMart. Please follow the value above.
mail server: SMTP server
Adress: name@gmail.com
Name: name
SMTP identification: Yes
SMTP security: SSL
Port: 465
User: name@gmail.com
Passwd: passwd
Smtp host: smtp.gmail.com
5. After that, before creating a contact form for users, please pre-build a category for that contact by selecting Components> Contacts > Categories
6. Complete a Category setup and then create a contact form by selecting Components > Contacts > Contacts. At field email adress, it should be the same as in SMTP configuration inserted.
7. Add the contact form in the main menu or where else.
8. Test the result. You should get the incoming mail from the web hosting server.
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